Weekly update on Alpha Testing

Last Friday, we have invited the first 3 people to test the brand new Proptee iOS app. Thanks again for helping guys, we’re extremely grateful. :pray:

What happened in the last week:

  1. In total, we have submitted 4 new app versions to Apple.
  2. Fixed a major bug that was crashing the app every 10 seconds.
  3. Fixed the login issues with the magic link.
  4. Implemented a Cancel Order function, so now everyone can cancel their pending orders.
  5. Built a quick order book in the app. Don’t worry, we’re working on a nicer design. :laughing:
  6. In the Account Tab, you can see your detailed balance now, including ‘Reserved amount’ for your pending orders.

Plans for next week:

  1. Releasing real-time updates in the app. (The portfolio Tab already updates real-time)
  2. Polishing the property info page. Adding more photos, videos, info to each property.
  3. New login/signup screen design.
  4. Releasing public order book with all the orders on our website.

And of course, fixing all the bugs that we make :muscle:

We’re inviting more people to participate in the Alpha Test and we might introduce market hours to increase the concentration of trades. What do you think about this?

Thanks again for helping and have a lovely weekend! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Great news and I’m looking forward to trying new things as you release them.

With regards to market hours. I do like the fact that at the moment I am able to buy and sell at any time however can see why market hours would be more beneficial.

Have a good weekend all

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Good to see another app update :+1:. Like the look of the new Home Screen and specifically the IPO section.

Really liking the new update especially the design and how easy it is to see everything.

Hi, just checking in.

Not had an update on the app for some time, hope everything is going well. I’m sure you guys are mega busy with it.

If you need anything specific testing let me know but I keep using all the features as often as I can. :+1:

Some great ideas on Trello. Really like the idea of a crypto wallet.

Looking forward to new releases soon :house_with_garden:

Hi Rob :wave:

Yes, we’ve collected a lot of feedback from you guys and now working hard to fix everything and build new features. There will be a bigger update to the app in the next couple of weeks. We can’t wait to show you! :zipper_mouth_face:


Looking forward to seeing it

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